[English below]
アート島センターZINEシリーズ Vol. 4 (Special)
36頁 limited edition
アート島センターのZINEシリーズ、今回の特別号は、日本の "アートの島 "での生活を写真で綴った日記です。直島在住の写真家アンドリュー・マコーミックが、日常生活と歴史やアートツーリズムがどのように交わっているかを記録しています。写真は直島を中心に、近隣の有人・無人島も含まれています。
From the photographer:
From the back cover:
現在、直島に住んでいる私は、60年前と同じように西の水平線に鎮座する大槌島をよく眺める。無人の緑の円錐形である。しかし、リッチー氏とは違って、この島を美しいと思わない人には会ったことがない。 (本橋英里訳)
Art Island Center Zine Series, Vol. 4 (Special)
“The Perfect is Unnerving" by A. D. McCormick
36 pages, limited edition.
This special issue in Art Island Center's zine series is a photo diary of life on Japan's "art islands." Photographer A. D. McCormick, who lives on Naoshima, documents daily life and how it intersects with history and art tourism. The photographs are mostly of Naoshima but also include nearby inhabited and uninhabited islands.
Printed on a digital press on thick 135kg paper in an edition of 100 copies.
From the photographer:
As a foreign artist living on Naoshima, I document what I see around me. Sometimes I find beauty in strange or undesirable scenes, like the trash scattered on the mountain. But at other times, the beauty is easy to see, like during pre-Covid times when local children gathered at the local summer festival. By collecting fragments and putting them in a book, I aim to show that real places are imperfect. Or perhaps it is these very complexities and contraditions that makes a place perfect.
From the back cover:
Approaching Naoshima one afternoon, probably in 1962, Donald Richie’s ferry passed the conical island of Ozuchijima. Richie was fascinated by its elegant symmetry, but discovered that the others on the ferry were not nearly as interested. In The Inland Sea, he wrote, “To the Japanese the perfect is unnerving, suspicious. The wooded triangle reaching toward the sky moves me but not my fellow passengers. They look at it, but they do not approve.”
Living on Naoshima now, I often gaze at Ozuchijima, sitting on the western horizon much as it did sixty years ago: an uninhabited green cone. But unlike Richie, I have never met anyone here who didn’t think it was beautiful.