AIC Space Update

Update: Read about our new shop here.


Since the beginning of the year, part of an old house near Honmura Port on Naoshima has slowly transformed into the Art Island Center gallery, bookshop, and studio. Though it has changed dramatically, we have been careful to preserve the original character of the space, which was once the home of a well-known local shipbuilder, Takashi Tsuda. Our project is small and self-funded, so we have done most of the work ourselves--and learned plenty along the way! Here are some photos of the journey.


When we took possession of the house, it was filled with furniture and memories:


A local craftsman replaced installed new flooring in the front and rear of the space. In the second photo above, new supports were added to replace wood that had been eaten by termites.


The dark green sand walls in the space were redone with white plaster. Since the green color seeped through the plaster, the sand layer had to be scraped off first, which was very labor-intensive.


The sand got everywhere, so at one point the entire space was covered in plastic.


The white walls contrasted nicely with the dark wood details of the space. To create a place for exhibiting artwork, we covered one set of doors and some of the original plaster with a "floating" gallery wall.



Once the wall was painted and we had set up some furniture, it really was starting to look like something.


We replaced the old light fixtures with spotlights. Then, we began assembling the space: adding furniture, equipment, signs, and a little bit of merchandise.


A work station in the corner of the studio (with a new iMac, large-format photo printer, scanner, and other equipment) supports photography and digital media projects by locals and visiting artists. 


Our big table in the studio can seat up to ten people for workshops, meetings, and art classes.


Thank you for your support and interest as we prepare an exciting slate of programs, exhibits, and product offerings here on Naoshima.

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