岡本雄大 • アンドリュー マコーミック



2020年、世界的なコロナウイルスの流行により、秋祭りは中止になりました。 太鼓の練習が聞こえるはずの9月の夜はとても静かでした。直島出身の岡本雄大と移住者のアンドリュー・マコーミックのふたりの写真家は、彼らの過去5年間の写真を集め展示を行います。伝統的な祭りの鼓動は、直島のコミュニティ全体に響き渡っています。

Echo of Drums
Yudai Okamoto & A. D. McCormick
October 10 - December 13, 2020

Each year, as summer wanes on Naoshima, evenings fill with deep drum beats that echo off the mountains and through the villages. Their source is the island shrines where local boys practice taiko drumming and chanting for the autumn festival. Over three weekends in October, the villages of Tsumuura, Miyanoura, and Honmura each take turns giving the local kami a lift in ceremonial palanquins. The procession is marked by taiko, beaten by teams of four boys, they themselves carried by local men on heavy floats. The drums drive the procession, tempo alternating from slow to fast and back again, a heartbeat giving life to the event as well as the season, as fair weather gives way to the coming winter.

In 2020, due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the festival events were canceled. In September, the hills were quiet. Photographers Yudai Okamoto and A. D. McCormick, respectively an island native and a newcomer, gathered together their images from festivals over the last five years to celebrate the tradition, whose beat continues to echo through the community on Naoshima even now.