ソビエト時代から現代のロシアにかけてアートがどのように進化してきたかを探る展覧会のカタログ。 〈全編英語〉
How art has evolved from the Soviet era through modern Russia. The Way of Enthusiasts is a translation of the name of the Moscow landmark Shosse Entuziastov, an avenue that connects the city center to the residential districts. The romantic and impassioned foundations that were laid under this name in the 1920s-as well as the urban environment it designated-gradually changed as the Soviet social project evolved.
Publisher: Marsilio Editori
Pub Date: 2014
Format: Paperback with bw & color illus.
Pages: 209 pp.
Size: 8.00 x 10.00 inches
ISBN: 9788831716369