集める、直すという行為を介して様々な人と関わりながら、震災を体験した人々の苦難と向き合い、それらの体験や傷跡をできるだけ手を加えず残したいと考えています。 かけらやヒビなど小さな傷跡をとおして震災の記憶をよみがえらせ、もしくは想像させることで、震災があったからこそ気付かされた無数の大事なことについて想いを巡らせる機会をつくることができたらと思います。
[From the artist's website]
The Repairing Earthquake project is an art project dealing with the extensive natural disaster called the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, which took place in Japan in March 2011. I undertook the attempt of finding things at the disaster area that had been destroyed in the tsunami and repairing them in the temporary studios in Yokohama(2011) and Mito(2012). Taking this as a starting point, the project has been evolving slowly towards such subjects as: management of the objects after repair, the tsunami debris which has washed ashore on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the marine debris problem in general.
While interacting with all sorts of people through the action of collecting and repairing, I faced the mind-stopping wonder of nature, and the people who have had personal experience of this trial. I would like to preserve the findings as raw as possible but clean, without adding any creativity of my own. It is like making a frame around it. A shard or a crack makes us relive or imagine the memory of the disaster. It reminds us of the day we saw the news and the numerous sad consequences. On the other hand, a countless number of important things became clear because of the disaster. Through the project I would like to create opportunities to mull over any matters related to the disaster, so that it will remain unforgotten for a little longer.
Publisher's description:
An art initiative dealing with an extensive natural disaster – the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011 – ‘Repairing Earthquake Project’ started with a simple idea: repairing objects that were destroyed in the tsunami. A first trip to the tsunami-hit areas of Miyagi was made in 2011, with the aim of finding broken objects and making careful observations of these areas and the people who lived there. The trip has since been repeated multiple times over the past eight years, following the progression of the reconstruction of buildings and memories, and observing changing traces of the aftermath as they are slowly wiped away.
224 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, Japanese/English 日本語・英語
Publisher: Jap Sam Books
ISBN 9789492852120